Are you ready to make a change?

I can help you navigate Diabetes health challenges so you can be in the best shape of your life.

Eleonora Campagnoli

Diabetes Mentor

Nutrition and Fitness Coach

About ME

I am a certified Nutrition and Diet coach as well as a life coach who prioritizes your health over simply "looking" healthy. I have years of experience working towards perfecting Diabetes management balancing sport with diabetes and nutrition. I believe that mindful nutrition and exercise is a tool to reach both physical and mental wellness. 25 years with diabetes did not stop me in crossing the line for Sprint, Olympic and 70.3 Triathlons, finishing running and cycling races.

Dream Big Because It is Possible

My knowledge comes from my First hand experience!

Blood glucose meter without puncture.

Eliminate Glucose Spikes

A Nutrition plan focused on reduced glucose spikes creates less sugar cravings and sugar crashes. It avoids injecting abundant doses of insulin creating glucose fluctuations and sense of hunger. A low carb diet with a real food approach, helped me lose weight and improve HbA1c.

Diabetes Insulin Pen Syringe

Lower Insulin doses

My method to reduce insulin response is a based on a balanced and planned nutrition combined with daily physical activity. Be aware of your habits and work towards improving them is the first step to reach better glucose control. Low Insulin Doses for benefit of Low Insulin doses

Weight Loss

Sport and Nutrition

My goal is work together towards a healthier lifestyle, focused on implementing cognitive behavioral therapies on the side of medical therapies, that focuses on insulin does and glucose values

How to Reduce Glucose Spikes

Savoury omelette

Savoury Breakfast

Savoury breakfasts are built around protein, which is the most satiating nutrient. They slow down aging, keep your glucose steady for the whole day, cut cravings and hunger. Your days will never be the same again.

Person Walking on Surface

Walk after eating

Ten to twenty minutes is enough to reduce glucose spikes because exercise stops the accumulation of glucose in the body. In fact, you can do 10 minutes of any exercise – strength-training, yoga or whatever you like doing.

Healthy eating food low carb keto ketogenic diet meal plan

Low carb diet

The management of type 1 diabetes mellitus can be improved with a low carb diet. My personal experience demonstrated the potential of such a diet to reduce HbA1c levels, reduce blood glucose variability, reduce insulin dose and improve the quality of life.

Bowl of Vegetables Flatlay

Meal planning

Savoury snacks keep the cravings rollercoaster away. Snack on these between meals, and keep your favorite sweet foods for dessert after lunch or dinner to enjoy them with less impact on your glucose.

Benefit of reduced Insulin

Woman with Glucose Sensor Using Mobile Phone for Measuring of Blood Sugar Level, Closeup

Glucose Stability

Smaller and controlled doses of insulin prevents Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia episodes though the day.

Do not chase the glucose!

Fit Man Athlete Training outside on Grass Doing Situps for Abs Workout Fat Belly Weight Loss. Healthy Active Lifestyle

Fat loss

Insulin stimulates adipose tissue creation. reaching a good glucose management requiring less insulin doses will be beneficial for losing weight

Injured Athlete with Sore Neck and Back Muscles from behind. Unc

Body Inflamation

Insulin is an hormon that creates sense of hunger and fat tissue accumulation. It is known that the adipose tissue creates body inflation on tissues, joints and organs.

Gestational diabetes in pregnancy. Pregnant woman check sugar level with a glucometer. Glucose intolerance, diabetic fetopathy, hypoglycemia, insulin resistance concept

Insulin Resistance

The body adapts to insulin levels and with time the body will need more and more. Reducing to the minimum the insulin required helps preventing insulin resistance

How can I help?

Consultation & Coaching

Dealing with Diabetes with a comprehensive approach. Dedicated to providing continuous support in monitoring and optimizing these crucial aspects of your lifestyle, in the same attentive and passionate way I do with mine

Training Plan

Do you exercise with or without a structure? Do you ever look back to your training week? We can look this together in our mentoring sessions putting the dots together to grow into the next level of diabetes management.

Weight&Insulin Management

Decreasing the insulin doses decreased my fat mass and insulin resistance. This was, an effective way to decrease inflammation increasing the overall well-being. As a mentor, I can give you in this journey keeping your motivation high on the right focus.

Personal Nutrition

Are you aware of the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetables you had at the end of each day? The sensation of being full comes both from the mind and the stomach. Therefore, being mindful of your eating will help you be consistent with your nutrition plan and achieving your goal to lose or maintain weight.

Diabetes & Sport

For the past two years, my personal journey has revolved around delving into the intricacies of how glucose levels fluctuate during physical activity, under varying type of exercise, duration, and intensity, combined with nutrition strategies.

I comprehend the day-to-day challenges more intimately than healthcare specialists without diabetes, as I have been evaluating the benefit of different strategies.

Through this ongoing personal exploration, I've gained unparalleled insights into the dynamic interplay between lifestyle factors and glucose management.

Coach 360

Diabetes Sport Nutrition

  • Continuous support

  • Monitoring and optimizing crucial aspects of your lifestyle; Insulin levels, Sport and Nutrition

  • Holistic approach sustainable to your well being

  • Attentive and Passionate way of coaching

How it works


Contact me and shedule a free call


Set your goals!

Let’s create and shape your plan


The coaching service will start at your chosen time.

I am here for you!

+39 3933329549